Monthly Archives: October 2013

Today in Halloween: Calvin goes trick-or-treating

calvin and Hobbes 1995 halloween

Apparently only a couple of Bill Watterson’s “Calvin and Hobbes” newspaper strips make reference to Halloween, although it would seem like a natural holiday for a kid like Calvin.

Earlier this month, I posted the first Halloween-themed Calvin here.

Here, as we begin the long slow wind-down of our month of Halloween, is the other.

Today in Halloween: Collegeville costumes and the Tylenol scare


How did a horrific health threat change Halloween as we know it?

We’ve noted before that Halloween has shifted from a holiday for kids when I was young to one for adults. It’s a billion-dollar industry now, with teens and 20-somethings – and older people too – vying to see who can wear the grisliest or sexiest costume.

Above is a detail from a 1981 costume catalog from Collegeville, a Pennsylvania company that started out in the early 1900s as a manufacturer of flags but ended up being second only to Ben Cooper as the store-bought costume supplier to generations of kids.

But a 1989 article in The New York Times profiling Collegeville put a twist on Halloween trends that I’ve near heard before.

That’s the year that someone tampered with Tylenol capsules, secreting cyanide in the over-the-counter medicine and causing the deaths of seven people.

The Times – this is in 1989, remember – theorizes that the resulting scare might have prompted parents to keep kids home from trick-or-treating, years after the first rumors of razor blades in Halloween apples couldn’t kill the holiday.

But The Times maintains it also sparked interest in at-home Halloween parties, which prompted interest in more elaborate costumes for kids, which led to more costumes for adults, who had to be on hand for the party.

Here’s how The Times reported it, back in 1989:

When people in the Halloween business explain why, they quickly get around to a key date – the fall of 1982. That was when the chilling news broke that seven people had died from Tylenol capsules laced with cyanide. The infamous Tylenol scare almost completely destroyed Halloween. Some towns outlawed trick-or-treating that year, and parents everywhere kept their kids from venturing into the streets.

As a result, costume makers were devastated. But then some bizarre events began to unfold.

Children wanted to do something on Halloween. So if they couldn’t go asking strangers for bags of sweets, then they were going to party. Partying became much more popular. At the same time, parents got fussier about what their children wore. ”When they went door to door, the kids could wear a costume that you just get by with,” Mr. Cornish said. ”But when you went to a party with all your friends, you had to start dressing up a little more.”

As parents watched their children go to parties, they got envious. They wanted to dress up as the grim reaper or Yosemite Sam, too. So the morbid events of that year turned out, in the long run, to have been just about the best thing to happen to costume makers since Halloween was invented. As Bob Cooper, the president of Ben Cooper Inc., a Brooklyn-based costume maker, put it, ”There’s been a change in the way that the holiday is celebrated.”

I’m going to extrapolate here and suggest that since 1982, people have mostly gotten over their fear of tampered treats, so that’s no longer affecting Halloween.

But an entire generation of people born after the Tylenol tampering case are very accustomed to teen and adult Halloween parties now. They’ve been high school students, college students, members of the workforce and now, more than 30 years later, they’re parents.

And elaborate costumes for kids and adults, along with parties and trick-or-treating, are the norm for them.

So perhaps something fun and good came from something horrible.

(Image from

Today in Halloween: Classroom decorations

hallow skull die-cut decor

This really takes me back.

Halloween and elementary school are inextricably linked for some of us. I’ve noted this before, but Halloween was in some ways the most exciting holiday of the school year because we got to wear our costumes to school.

A big part of the Halloween “mood” at school was the decor, which usually took the shape of cardboard cut-out characters and symbols of the season, suitable for pinning to bulletin boards or taping up on walls and doors.

hallow decor kit

These Beistle Halloween decorations – known as the Halloween Decorama from Beistle – are the most vivid in my mind. And they’ll continue to be familiar images for decades to come, apparently: My son tells me they were familiar to him from his elementary school years, which came a few decades after mine.

The skeleton and cat were hinged so they could be posed. And that flaming skull was freaky.

You can still buy these, by the way, from and other online sources. And they still sell the old stuff at

Beistle, by the way, was founded in 1900 and calls itself “the oldest and largest manufacturer of decorations and party goods in the United States.” It’s based in Shippensburg, PA.


Today in Halloween: Haunted house shock shot

nightmares fear factory

There’s something about going through a haunted house. Like a good horror movie, it’s scary and fun and gives us a release.

It’s also pretty darn funny when you see pics of other people inside the place.

The past couple of years, photos of people looking incredibly scared from the Nightmares Fear Factory haunted house in Niagara Falls have been all over the Internet. I posted about them last year.

I’ve wondered what the people in the photos are looking at, though. I did a Google search and found what I think is the answer.

Spoiler alert if you’re planning on visiting, okay?

Apparently the thing frightening people in all the photos is … an illusion that makes it appear they’re going to be hit by a car.

Not a monster, zombie, even zombie baby (since many seem to be looking down). But realistic-looking car headlights.

So now you know.

I don’t think that diminishes the enjoyment we all feel in looking at these people being scared out of their minds, though, does it?

Here’s the attraction’s website.

Today in Halloween: Trick or treat for UNICEF

hallow unicef

A lot of us remember those orange boxes.

When I was a kid, I trick-or-treated at least a couple of times for UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.

Begun in 1950, the practice of collecting spare change while you’re making your Halloween rounds – often in place of collecting candy, adding a further altruistic element to the event – has helped children around the world.

More than $188 million has been raised by trick-or-treaters to help provide food or clean water around the world. Donations also helped victims of Hurricane Katrina in the US.

Check out

‘Winter Solider’ teaser trailer is … awesome

cap and winter soldier

I think maybe interest in the new teaser trailer for “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” broke iTunes today.

At any rate, the trailer didn’t play on the iTunes site for nearly an hour after its scheduled noon release.

It’s working now, however, but here are some highlights:

redford DC

Plenty of Robert Redford, looking great as the head of SHIELD. Yes, even above Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury.

cap worried

Cap (Chris Evans) looking worried, and rightly so.

cap nick fury

Cap and Nick Fury.

cap elevator

Cap’s got to watch his back.

helicarrier crashing

SHIELD’s helicarrier has its own problems.

the falcon

Cap’s got trusted allies, including Sam Wilson, AKA The Falcon.

black widow shooting

And Natasha, The Black Widow.

winter soldier vehicle

An old ally returns as The Winter Soldier.

cap winter soldier fight

Which leads to conflict with Cap.

winter soldier catching shield

And an ultimate showdown?

Here’s the trailer.

I can’t wait for April 4.

Today in Halloween: Comics as treats

marvel-halloween bagged 1987 comics

This never happened to me, although it would have been fine if it had.

In 1987 – which post-dated my trick-or-treating prime by a couple of decades, or at least a decade and a half – Marvel pitched bagged mini-comics as “the safe Halloween treat.”

This wasn’t at a particular  high point for stories about apples with razor blades or poisoned candy, but here’s an in-store sales pitch for the practice.

Did you ever get bagged comic books – or “mini comics,” whatever those were – when you were trick-or-treating?


‘Winter Soldier’ pic: Cap and Nick, hanging out

cap america winter soldier nick fury

With “Thor: The Dark World” coming Nov. 8, Marvel has us looking ahead to “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”

Yeah, like that took a lot of work.

Here’s a pic of Chris Evans and Samuel L. Jackson as Steve Rogers and Nick Fury from the movie, which comes out in April.

A teaser trailer debuts tomorrow.