Tag Archives: trick-or-treating

Today in Halloween: Trick or treat for UNICEF

hallow unicef

A lot of us remember those orange boxes.

When I was a kid, I trick-or-treated at least a couple of times for UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.

Begun in 1950, the practice of collecting spare change while you’re making your Halloween rounds – often in place of collecting candy, adding a further altruistic element to the event – has helped children around the world.

More than $188 million has been raised by trick-or-treaters to help provide food or clean water around the world. Donations also helped victims of Hurricane Katrina in the US.

Check out trickortreatforunicef.org.

Today in Halloween: Comics as treats

marvel-halloween bagged 1987 comics

This never happened to me, although it would have been fine if it had.

In 1987 – which post-dated my trick-or-treating prime by a couple of decades, or at least a decade and a half – Marvel pitched bagged mini-comics as “the safe Halloween treat.”

This wasn’t at a particular  high point for stories about apples with razor blades or poisoned candy, but here’s an in-store sales pitch for the practice.

Did you ever get bagged comic books – or “mini comics,” whatever those were – when you were trick-or-treating?